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Cross the Pond

Visit our IF tagged page

View all of the information and the community's response right from the web! The page has been tagged for easy access. Reply there if you want in.


Fill out the form for pilot

To make it easier, there is a form attached to this website where you can apply to be a pilot for this amazing event. Check out the information before applying.

Fill out the form for ATC

If you're a pro ATC person or a person who is practicing their ATC practice, apply here. We need lots of ATC, from Ground to Departure and Arrival. Fill out the form if you're interested



We strive for the best so you can enjoy.

Cross the Pond is a famous event which is breaking records.

Cross the pond is known to be one of the most famous events in the world, allowing thousands of people to be on one server and have a fun and realistic time. This will be the first time that such event will be held on Infinite Flight, but hopefully not the last! As an entire community, lets make this the biggest event ever since the release of Infinite Flight Global!

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